Service Clubs
- Alcoholics/Narcotics AnonymousContactPhone : 649-232-1029Email :
Person interested in attending Alcoholics Anonymous on Providenciales contact us now.
Continue reading → - Child Abuse Prevention Awareness AssociationContactPhone : 800-534-8256
Your source for information on the rights and protection of children. Any questions please call now.
Continue reading → - Crime StoppersContactPhone : 1-800-8477Email :
If you have information regarding a crime or would like to report a crime call now. No record of this call will appear on your phone bill.
Continue reading → - Grand Turk Chamber of CommerceContactPhone : 649-946-2324
The first Chamber of Commerce established in TCI. Representing the interests of the private sector in the nation’s capital. See website for details of the latest developments, with essential information and contact details for investors, residents and tourists alike.
Continue reading → - Kiwanis Club, Grand Turk
Kiwanis is an international service organization comprised of 600,000 adult and youth members in 91 nations whose mission is to improve the quality of life for children and families worldwide.
Continue reading → - Kiwanis Club, ProvidencialesContactPhone : 649-946-5524
Kiwanis is an international service organization comprised of 600,000 adult and youth members in 91 nations whose mission is to improve the quality of life for children and families worldwide.
Continue reading → - Neighbourhood WatchContactPhone : 1-800-8477
Neighbourhood Watch is a cooperative crime prevention program that helps neighbours work together and with the Police to create safer, friendlier communities that everyone can enjoy.
Continue reading → - Providenciales Chamber of CommerceContactPhone : 649-332-6418Email :
The Providenciales Chamber of Commerce wants to be the representative of all businesses in Providenciales. As businesses we have to stand together, especially when it gets to issues such as crime, duties, bureaucracy, etc. Meeting the first Monday of the month at 7pm.
Continue reading → - Provo Association for the Handicapped and ElderlyContactPhone : 649-231-0984
- Provo Children’s HomeContactPhone : 649-344-0630Email :
The Children of the TCI need your help!-Please consider a donation to help provide for the outstanding construction and daily living costs.
Continue reading → - Rotaract Club
Rotaract is a club for adults ages 18-30 that meets twice a month to exchange ideas, plan activities and projects, and socialize. Meetings at 7 pm every Tuesday in the Edward Gartland Youth Center.
Continue reading → - Rotary Club Grand Turk
We are 1.2 million neighbors, friends, and community leaders who come together to create positive, lasting change in our communities and around the world. Meets every Wednesday at 1:00PM at Bohio Dive Lodge.
Continue reading → - Rotary Club Providenciales
We are 1.2 million neighbors, friends, and community leaders who come together to create positive, lasting change in our communities and around the world. Meeting at 6:30 pm every Thursday at Opus Restaurant.
Continue reading → - Soroptimist International
Soroptimist International is a global volunteer movement working together to transform the lives of women and girls, which meet every second Monday of the month in Grand Turk and every third Thursday on South Caicos.
Continue reading → - T.C.S.P.C.A.ContactPhone : 649-941-8846Email :
Turks and Caicos Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. A voice for those who can not speak. Your support for the TCSPCA is greatly appreciated.
Continue reading → - The Edward C Gartland Youth CentreContactPhone : 649-331-9602Email :
A centrally located facility for youth around the ages of 12-18. A place to get information, participate in a variety of activities and explore options for one’s future.
Continue reading → - The Potcake FoundationContactPhone : 649-941-3765
The Potcake Foundation has a goal to provide care and shelter for these homeless potcakes and aid in the reduction of the islands dog over-population. You can contribute by purchasing from our online store.
Continue reading → - The Salvation ArmyContactPhone : 649-431-6802
“Doing The Most Good.” In these four words, our mission – to feed, to clothe, to comfort, to care. To rebuild broken homes and broken lives. By walking with the addicted, we can lead them to recovery. In fighting hunger and poverty, we can feed and nurture the spirit. And, in living and sharing the Christian Gospel by meeting tangible needs, we give the world a lasting display of the love behind our beliefs.
Continue reading → - Turks & Caicos Aids Awareness FoundationContactPhone : 649-231-1150
Through education, we can raise the consciousness needed to combat the stigma associated with HIV/AIDS. With community participation, we can effect positive lifestyle and behavioral changes necessary to fight the spread of this disease and make a difference
Continue reading → - Turks & Caicos Association of Office ProfessionalsContactPhone : 649-246-3492Email :
TCAOP is a non-profit professional organization, in operation since 1984, designed to enhance the development Office Professionals
Continue reading → - Turks & Caicos Hotel and Tourism AssociationContactPhone : 649-941-5787
To help in the progress of all aspects of tourism in all the Turks & Caicos Islands for the benefit of all tourism related projects
Continue reading → - Turks & Caicos Islands Red CrossContactPhone : 649-941-8056Email : Providenciales: redcrossprovo@tciway.tcEmail : Grand Turk:
We are always looking for volunteers and help with Red Cross in all areas such as First Aiders, Disaster Preparedness, Helpers, etc.
Continue reading → - Turks & Caicos Islands Tennis FoundationContactPhone : (649) 231-5012Email :
TCITF is the Turks & Caicos Islands Tennis Federation. A member in good standing with the ITF, the international governing body, TCITF provides certification for coaches on island.
Continue reading → - Turks & Caicos National Fitness and Bodybuilding AssociationContactPhone : 649-941-7702
- Turks & Caicos National Youth HotlineContactPhone : 1-800-534-8256
The Turks & Caicos National Youth Hotline is a toll free, confidential phone line to support the youth of the Turks & Caicos Islands. If your worry is large or small, we’re here to offer advice and support. When you are ready.
Continue reading → - Turks and Caicos Maritime Heritage FoundationContactPhone : 649-946-4935
To preserve the maritime heritage and history of this maritime nation is our goal. That preservation means the passing on of information and skills from one generation to the next. That passing on of information and skills insures and safeguards the identity of this nation.
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